Hey all! So doing my banishing lists for PMM, it’s very clear that the biggest financial/prosperity sucking condition I need to banish is smoking. I’ve quit multiple times in the past, and each time I felt some sense of readiness or resolve. Right now, I don’t feel I have that same feeling. I’m considering putting it off till next waning...I wonder if any of you have used magic to quit and how that looked? Did you never smoke again immediately after the banishing? Or like anything else, did you wait for it to manifest (like the desire to do it went away on its own, or your resolve manifested)? Because I feel like this emotional state needs to exist before I quit, I almost feel like my magic needs to be on that rather than the quitting itself? Or is it all my addiction trying to save the habit??? Some of my other banishing work this summer has resulted in UGh feelings about my smoking. That it’s contradictory to all the work I’m doing. Anyway if anyone has experiences to share, or advice for me, let me know! I know it’s going to happen. But it seems big to do during a 7 day banishing marathon!! Blessed be ✨🙌🏻✨
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I learned it the hard way. My spell DID work, but I irresponsibly expected the spell to just magically take the habit from me while I continued merrily on my way smoking cigarettes.....
Had I not done that, I would not have contracted pneumonia which thus FORCED me to go off cigarettes completely. When I recovered I never smoked a cigarette again, and I knew that meant forever this time.
Instead, I could have just known that giving up the cigarettes was my part of the deal, making it be easy to quit and stay cigarette free was what the spell was for. But I never gave it a chance to be easy by smoking in the face of my stated desire to quit. I firmly believe that had I just laid them down and let my spell make it be easy for me, I would have never gotten sick. But I was naive and arrogant and so I got that kind of a result, which landed me smoke-free and healthy upon recovery, so all was well in the end.
It's been very easy for me to stay off cigarettes since then. I'm glad to not have that drug in my life anymore. I smoked for so many years. I started young like most people did. I've been free of cigarettes for about 25 years now I think... BB