I‘m taking the PMM course and have also been listening to the Prosperity Lessons Playlist. I have been cleansing for prosperity and almost immediately experiencing small manifestations, for example I had a list of things I needed to buy, just small things like ear plugs, crystals and just everyday stuff. After tidying my clothes all the things I pit On the list were either manifested abundantly (I found 8 pairs of ear plugs 😃) and found all my crystals and new big ones I totally forgot about. It was like little presents.
Now something a bit weird, I am working through my hidden beliefs about money. And one big one is about family. My fear / discomfort about having money is because I fear my family will ask me for it. I am happy to give when I want to give, and I do give. But they always ask as if they are entitled to it. And I don’t even make a lot of money. Anyway, I’ve been doing the PMM course this week. Today I open my WhatsApp and what do I see? 3 people asking me for things, one literally said do you want to give me money? Another said you owe me money (from the last time she asked me for it- I don’t actually owe her anything) and I want it now. Another friend said can you tell me where to buy (a product I sell) cheaper.
Now I’m wondering what to do. Is this like as above so below? I am asking spirit for prosperity is this why I am also being asked for money?
I happily gave to another family member because I wanted to give her money. But I feel so annoyed about the entitlement of the others asking me for money/ things. Is this a test from the universe? Or is it because I am feeling abundant this is the responsibility of having money? More money more beggars 😆
Thank you. That’s how I feel, I happily give to those I want to give. And I have one debt which I have forgiven and am freely making payments on. And I have also started tithing and feeling good about these new ways of circulating money. I am also claiming my tenfold return and it makes me feel abundant. That’s why I was concerned when I felt negative emotion when they demanded. I am listening to PMM lecture 2 and you explain this in there. So I think I’m on the right path 🤗 Thank you!