We are going to start on Thursday, June 18! Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with the material beforehand so you can focus more on the magic. Ask any questions on any of the lessons here before we start. Let's use this as an opportunity to really get "ahead of the curve" in the new economy. BB
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You’re. Not kidding ... it’s. A process
You’re. Not kidding ... it’s. A process
Okay dear Witchy Friends! I have a prosperity "biggie" I am bringing to this course. I was about to put my house in Lake County, CA on the market and then the pandemic shelter in place restrictions hit. I dearly love the house, but I need to move to a smallish city with better services, not remain in a rural area. Now, with new real estate guidelines in place, I am about to put my house on the market again. I want to sell it for the most money I can get, so I can finance my move and get a new place in Oregon (for a reasonable price). As per some of Ariel's general comments about auras of golden light, I've been seeing this place washed in golden light, whenever I remember to do so. And I will build in certain tasks for preparing the house into my daily chores, when we start them. But if there are other suggestions specific to home sale (and purchasing another one), I would love to know them.
Thanks so much!
(This view is from the patio, looking toward Mt. Koncti and the lake, with a garden shed in the background. Red is also a prosperous color in my mind, drawing cheerfulness, but I'd like thoughts about that, if that's not correct.)
Best of blessings to all of us!
Amy M.
Real-time dose this mean we will meet online at a specific time
Alright, just to clarify @Ariel Gatoga , we are starting our 28 days today with our manifestation list and am/pm meditations etc but not starting our 28 day spell work until the 22nd? Just want to make sure I am on the right page! Thank you so much💚💚💚
I am no superstitious person but to honour this new start, I am wearing a green shirt today😁
Hello! My understanding is that the dark moon will be Sunday, June 21st at 2:41 am EST. I'm not sure what the three day orb of the dark moon is but thought it would be fun to start the spellwork on Wednesday. Is there any reason why that would be contraindicated? Thanks so much!
Thanks Ariel. 22nd it is then. I need a new moon app I think 🤔 bbx
Monday, June 22 is the first day of the new moon if you take the three day orb of the dark moon into consideration. BB
@Lynda I have been looking at the timescales for this myself and the instructions are to consecrate both closest to the dark moon whiich I assume is the waxing side so I was planning on the Weds 4th - this is the first day of the new moon according to my moon phase app.
So just wanted to check what date other peple are starting the 28 days?
Will ask @Ariel Gatoga for his thoughts on this just to be clear. BBX
I have my notebook and am working on my list, planning to buy a candle tomorrow. Would it be best to wait to consecrate both until after the dark moon has passed?
Hey @Ariel Gatoga ! A question on our goal for this class. Since I am going to be putting a lot of energy into this, I thought I should pick something kind of big. I have a farm and a small herbal business, and overall want to be able to support myself from those so I do not have to work elsewhere. So I thought, a yearly income increase or just saying that I want to be able to quit my other jobs. That seems pretty big to me though... so then I also need to build this shed ASAP which is going to cost around $4000 which is also quite a stretch for me right now, but less of an overarching achievement. Also less exciting. Any thoughts? Thank you!
Hi everyone,
This is a general question. Does anyone know if there is some way to download the Youtube lectures and the meditations from PMM?
Thank you!
Hi Ariel,
Thank you so much for your generosity in running these classes. Bit of a weird question:
Is it okay to include on the daily 6 manifestation list the work I'll be doing as part of the PMM course? (E.g. listen to a lecture, or do a new PMM meditation.) These could be regarded as my "just for pleasure" item because I am having so much fun taking these classes. Or would this create a circular reference of sorts?
Thanks and BB
It is just a technical issue on my end, or is lesson 1B the same as lesson 1A ??
Hahaha! I totally understand that!! I was thinking that they just aren't a thing where you live! You always have such great ideas-making it your own is cool!
[@Shannon] - thank you for your generosity - it’s entirely my own fault as the issue isn’t that I can’t get one but that I haven’t found one I like! I have one I used for my previous hand outs notes etc for Ariel’s materials but had to migrate all of that to a lever arch because it became too full so could use that one. I wanted something a bit special! I might get a plain one and draw the prosperity symbol on the front x
Good evening classmates, it seems as if the excitement is increasing.
I have been preparing by reading all the handouts, listening to the lessons, taken notes, doing the evening, morning and Orb meditations from WBB everyday and running through the purification psalms - just for good measure.
I have ordered a gold candle as green doesn't do it for me in terms of money - we don't really have any green money in the UK but do have gold colour pound coins.
The only thing I can't seem to get is a ring binder I like - apart from ones which will take three months to come from China. I will be painting my symbol soon - what an amazing symbol it is!
Even looking at feels powerful. All that fabulous planetary energy :)
Really looking forward to this one I'm glad I completed WBB before as it's really helped to get into the right mindset. Looking forward to taking this journey with you all BBX
I’ll be coming back to this once I finish WBB... I listen to the lectures sometimes and often wish I could do it now but I think it’s better for me to build up my power first!