Merry meet everyone. So I have a stinky situation where I am getting a divorce- it’s been almost 3 years that I filed it- what he did is, he liquidated all the retirement money and the lands and he transferred the house title to his parents. What kind of ritual I have to do to get my rights back. Cause yesterday, at the court, it was clear that he is making much much less ( on purpose, he is a radiologist who filed bankruptcy) and did all the fraud. I have full custody for my kids and I just want my rights. I’m not asking for everything just my share for the house and oh, he did take a second loan on the house when he knew that I am going to file for a divorce ( my mistake that I was too honest and naive and told him exactly what I am going to do if he doesn’t do anything about our relationship) I just want justice. Which Angel should I work with and when? Please help cause I feel powerless. Thank you all and Blessed Be.
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MM, @leemhanna ! I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. First thing is that we must do when we are in need of assistance is quiet our mind. Nothing can get accomplished until our mind is quiet. Watch my video called the Magic Minute, and work that exercise at least once per day.. working up to 5 minutes. Are you studying the Angel magic course? If so, then use the banishing tablet and invoke Sachiel through your birth angel as instructed in the first lesson. You could do that Sunday in the hour of Sachiel and get a good result.
During the day you must concentrate on the quality of spirit that Sachiel represents and that is DIVINE TRUTH. No matter what is happening around you, call on DIVINE TRUTH, either silently or aloud. Saturate your mind with the phrase DIVINE TRUTH instead of being caught in webs of grievance, worry, etc. Take control of your mind and repeat the phrase DIVINE TRUTH every time you catch yourself rehearsing the worst-case scenario, or fuming about whatever horrible thing he just did, or being upset for any reason. Remind yourself that DIVINE TRUTH is your guide, not your resentments.
Remember as soon as you can when you wake up in the morning to think of DIVINE TRUTH. Lull yourself to sleep each night by repeating the phrase DIVINE TRUTH as a lullaby. This will impregnate your deep mind with these thought seeds even more. Let Sachiel guide your way, by invoking his quality of spirit, DIVINE TRUTH again and again. You do your part. Sachiel won't fail to do his.