Hello and BB. Can some one give me an example of how to write what we are banishing on the tablet? I understand that we convert it to Theban script, but what I mean is do I say for example: "Please banish this blemish on my chin" or do I simply say "blemish on chin"? also do we write this in the center of the square? or underneath? (the video with the one on black paper shows it written in the center). also is it better to tear it up and throw in trash or to burn it if possible ( like if I was doing the spell outside with a fire or in fireplace)? Thanks in advance :) 😀
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Thank you. Blessed Be.
You can write it underneath, or on the reverse side depending on how much space you need. It's not more powerful to burn it. Tearing it up is fine.
You can write an actual "letter" to the angel. "Dear Archangel _____, please help me to banishing ___"