Hello everybody! In these times with everything happening around in the world and in my personal life, I'm finding it really hard to relax and meditate. I seem to be very tense and finding it even hard to keep the breathing flowing. Does anybody else struggle with this? I'm not anxious and I'm pretty good keeping control over the situation, but I'm maybe finding it hard to let let the control go?🤔
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Yes I have also noticed during these times I have had a harder time getting into trance... finding myself wandering more easily and feeling more tension in my chest even if my mind feels calm. I have mostly been sticking to guided meditations for now, which does the trick for me!
Hello, everyone I am new to the group and I am finding it hard to do anything. I do feel overwhelmed a little but thanks for posting the 1 minute 1 day, etc. I think if I can just get started with that I will be ok. I am watching the videos and starting to do some of the exercises that Ariel recommends and it is starting to help as well and I am finding calming incense smells have definitely a soothing affect on me. Any other suggestions? 😯
Thank you! I'm using guided meditations for the time being. Also planning on going to the woods instead of being indoors.
@Heidi Liljeberg, it's really tough for a lot of people right now. Definitely be gentle and loving with yourself.
Are you trying to use some guided meditations for the time being? Another idea is to time yourself meditating. Start with one minute the first day, then add a single minute each day until you get to a point that is not too difficult for you to maintain.