For a long time, I have always wanted curly hair. I used to talk about it with my hairdresser. I wanted a hair like "Brave". My whole life I've had as straight hair as you can have. I couldn't get the curls I made with a curler stay for more than 10 minutes. And my hair was flat again. About 2 years ago I went to my hairdresser to cut my very long hair shorter, shoulderlength. And I've had wavy hair since. My hair is quite long and heavy so it is not very curly. I always wondered about what changed my hair so dramatically. And then I remembered my wish of "Brave"- hair. Does anybody else got similar stories of "accidental" magic?

Thank you Ariel! It took time to get used to it since it acts differently. But yes, I love my hair. The funny thing is that it wasn't an active thought. It was just a thing I used to think about when it was thime to go to the hairdresser.
Excellent! Are you happy with your hair? It's beautiful.