Hello from Athens ... ...I believe that a close close close relative of mine has done something against me (suspicion....I will search about it through this week with accountant and a lawyer) ... if that s the case which psalm should I choose to protect me and my belongings and my home my reputation my sanity? If I am right it will be a
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Thank you .....I am both spiritual and religious and can t belie e it s happening during Easter lent .. ..I also study 91 .. I found out it s related through hoodoo tradition with Archangel Michael. .....
Start with Psalm 4 for a few days and see how you feel. How you feel indicates the way the spell is working. A feeling of peace surrounding the situation is what precedes the physical manifestation. Know that all is working out for the highest good and stick to the Psalm as you let it do the work for you. Don't add any energy to the situation. Detach yourself from it as much as possible so it can work itself out. After you have done this Psalm a few days, you may want to work on a round of the Purification Psalms to make sure the energy has all been purified. You can find a list of those in my free booklet: How to Work Psalm Magic Psalm 4 Video