Peace! ✌ Shalom!
I'm new here but, I've been this way before. I'm solitary and adhere to few set "labels" of observances and it suits me, for now. Always ready to learn something new, revisit old lessons learned and unlearn what no longer serves me.
I've recently admitted to myself that I am magical and I need to live up to and own this cherished inheritance. The magical aspect of psalms magick by Ariel drew me in. About 2 weeks ago I had a dream where my spirit 'singing' guide gave me a sword. When asked what it was for, an angel behind me over my left shoulder (I assumed Uriel?) said "Eat it!"
The online dreambooks didn't satisfy my spirit, so I waited for interpretation. Yesterday, very quietly, so quiet in fact I almost missed it, the interpretation was given to me. I'd been "talking or speaking" the psalms. My angels were telling me to SING the Psalms! The sword represented 'the Word' specifically of The Psalms. That particular spiritual guide represented singing. "Eat it" implied incorporating singing into my magical life.
As a sidenote, once - long ago, I performed an Enochian ritual of invokation and evokation. Not understanding the scope of what I was doing, I created this 'singing spiritual being' because I truly wanted to sing beautifully to God in Hebrew, thus this 'angel' was "born". Later, I'd come to understand how new it was because it was literally just a 'head', now it has a small stature (body & limbs) and not unappealing to look upon when I see it.
Even as I write here, I've gained some insights. It seems that when we create spiritual entities using magic, they are pure. Not evil nor monstrous and not demons nor angels as such. Whatever mindset we are in when we create them determines their effect on our and others' lives. My intentions were honourable and without malice, pure and simple. When it appeared, it was almost translucent, 'a blob of spiritual life stuff' with an innocent but happy face. Like casper the friendly ghost without a body or limbs, just a head tapering to a stubby tail.

Currently, there's been evidence of spiritual as well as physical attempts at thievery. It's my job to protect 'him' - us with magic. So I'm on this path to discover and exercise my magical rights. Many pardons if this intro was too long and I hope it explains somewhat of where I've been and where I want to go. Thank you for your attention 🤗💞✌
Peace out 😄✌
Welcome, @Poeticflare Verses! So happy you found us.