Hi everyone! I'm Freja and I've been a listener/user of Ariel's A Witch's Primer for ... over ten years. :) When the forum closed, my heart dropped because it was truly a unique and safe place filled with knowledge; so many people exchanging and learning aside from my mundane professional life. I followed the AWP podcasts because I specifically wanted a knowledgeable discussion on the art of witchcraft, its history, and most importantly magic without a specific theology. I come from a Cherokee/Creole European background filled with folklore,root workings and such. Inexplicable things were a common theme in my growing up. I continued on to study ancient religions and other esoteric practices during college. For me, magic has been used since the beginning of time; consistently present, objectively, and I wanted to know more about it. Not an easy task as its been massive amount reading, history, mythology, ...etc. On a deeper note, I found that the universal truths in the Primer's lessons and meditations, has helped me tremendously at many dark and trying periods of my life. So grateful. BB
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So happy you are here @Freja ! Blessed be.