Hi there! Here is the instruction sheet that goes with the Witch's primer. I'm also embedding the seminar I gave on it as well. I hope those of you who resonate with this practice enjoy it as much as I do!Blessed be.
It is best to focus on one goal when using the rosary for magickal purposes. It is possible to dedicate individual decades to different intentions if you’re in serious need; it does dilute the energy being channeled into the working though. Picking intentions that go together are a better way to do it. Ex: Money, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Luck and a decade dedicated to your spirits interceding to bring you whatever else you need to achieve the other four.
This topic keeps catching my attention and I keep dismissing it as "not for me", but it still keeps catching my attention.
Yesterday I was digging around the house looking for a piece of chalk and I found a catholic rosary of all things in the back of a drawer. I don't recognize it or know where it came from. It makes no sense for us to have one in our house, so my best guess is it must have come along with some stuff we bought at a flea market or something and for whatever reason I decided to keep it. I left it where it was, again thinking "eh.. not for me".. yet here I am again!
I have some underlying anxiety around the rosary which I'm not really understanding. It is most likely connected to my catholic upbringing. I'm not too sure how to go about processing and clearing up that trepidation, but I would like to resolve it because I feel like this could work well for me. Perhaps just understanding more about the practice and meditating on those feelings will help clear things up.
@Ariel Gatoga I've done the rosary a couple of times now and the experience has been very positive. The problem with the Catholic connection was just that it kept throwing me back into a mindset of asking/praying/begging/worshiping a deity. After going through the instructions and chants and contemplating the meanings of them I was able to adjust my perspective and give it a try.
I felt a lot of different things happening as I went through it that I can't really put into words at the moment, but it was all very positive. I noticed the chants sort of felt different or I noticed different things about them as I went, and I became so focused on it that I was caught by surprise when I suddenly reached the end.
I'm very glad I gave it a chance. I can definitely see how powerful it is and I'm excited to do more with it :)
@Bella Honestly, I have seen nothing but graces coming from working with the rosary. It took separating Jesus from the equation for a bit and praying Mary’s Psalter as it was originally intended. No mysteries; just praying to Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Guadalupe and La Santisima Muerte. Because I work closely with Santisima and she is a folk catholic saint, I was able to work through any issues I had praying it very quickly. Were it not for Santisima, I’d have never become a catholic and my magick would never have the power that it has now. Whether blessing or cursing using the rosary; the effects are extremely quick and they stick.
It is best to focus on one goal when using the rosary for magickal purposes. It is possible to dedicate individual decades to different intentions if you’re in serious need; it does dilute the energy being channeled into the working though. Picking intentions that go together are a better way to do it. Ex: Money, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Luck and a decade dedicated to your spirits interceding to bring you whatever else you need to achieve the other four.
Hi can i only use one goal when sayiing the rosary...or have a few goals like happines and harmoney tmks dave
Thank you so much for this! So grateful. 💜
This topic keeps catching my attention and I keep dismissing it as "not for me", but it still keeps catching my attention.
Yesterday I was digging around the house looking for a piece of chalk and I found a catholic rosary of all things in the back of a drawer. I don't recognize it or know where it came from. It makes no sense for us to have one in our house, so my best guess is it must have come along with some stuff we bought at a flea market or something and for whatever reason I decided to keep it. I left it where it was, again thinking "eh.. not for me".. yet here I am again!
I have some underlying anxiety around the rosary which I'm not really understanding. It is most likely connected to my catholic upbringing. I'm not too sure how to go about processing and clearing up that trepidation, but I would like to resolve it because I feel like this could work well for me. Perhaps just understanding more about the practice and meditating on those feelings will help clear things up.
Thank you!!
@Tina Johnson 😇❤️🧙♂️❤️🧙♀️
Yay! Ty for the instruction sheet! Much appreciated!