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A Simple Guide To Psalm Magic: An Ancient Practice

Writer: Ariel GatogaAriel Gatoga

Updated: 5 days ago

Lit candle and bouquet of purple flowers beside an open book on a white tablecloth with an oil painting-like background. Cozy atmosphere.

To understand Psalm Magic, we must first explore the origins of the Book of Psalms. Part of the ancient Hebrew Bible—known as the Old Testament in Christian tradition—the Psalms are a revered collection of poetic writings often linked to psalm magic and traditionally attributed to King David. While many scholars believe King David composed most of the Psalms, others argue that multiple biblical figures contributed to their creation. Yet, there is no definitive evidence to confirm any single author. The truth is, the origins of the Psalms remain shrouded in mystery. What we do know is that the Psalms, as we know them today, were adapted and refined from earlier source material.

The Book of Psalms contains 150 individual pieces. The word "Psalm" comes from the Greek term ψαλμός (psalmós), meaning a song performed with a plucked instrument, like a lyre or harp. In Hebrew tradition, these Psalms are regarded as songs of praise. Interestingly, the Psalms have also been embraced beyond religious contexts, finding a significant place in magical traditions. Magicians, witches, and practitioners of various occult paths have long viewed the Book of Psalms as a magical text.

Few books have been as widely used across diverse cultures and magical traditions as the Book of Psalms. In traditional witchcraft specifically—though less so in Wicca—the Psalms are often referred to as "the spell book of the Bible," highlighting their enduring reputation as a powerful tool for spiritual and magical practices. Their unique combination of historical, religious, and mystical significance ensures the Psalms remain a fascinating and influential text to this day.

The Psalm Magic Tradition

I learned a specific tradition of Psalm magic—a simple yet profound practice. To my knowledge, no book fully captures this tradition as I was taught, which inspired me to write my booklet to share it with others.

In this tradition, as taught to me, there’s a belief that the Psalms predate the other books of the Bible. The teachings suggest that the Psalms may have been derived from much older source material, possibly originating in ancient cultures such as Egypt, Chaldea, or Babylon. It’s fascinating that these spells, incantations, and prayers might have roots in civilizations far older than we typically associate with the Psalms.

As I teach and practice it, one key perspective of this tradition is that the Book of Psalms stands alone as a self-contained work. It’s not necessarily viewed as an integral part of the Bible but as an independent text that was eventually incorporated into it. According to our teachings, the ancient Hebrews appropriated earlier versions of Psalms, adapting them to align with the characters and narratives of their tradition.

Central to Psalm magic is the belief that every verse of every Psalm contains inherent mystical and magical powers. These powers are like seeds; when we diligently and intentionally engage with the Psalms, these seeds can grow and bear fruit in our lives. This magical practice is used to help address challenges, resolve problems, and fulfill any righteous desire of the heart.

Using the Psalms Magically vs. Religiously

It’s important to note that our tradition distinguishes between using the Psalms as a form of magic and reciting them as religious prayers. Praying the Psalms religiously often involves supplication to a deity, typically perceived as an external, separate entity. In this context, the person praying seeks mercy, favor, or assistance from this external force.

Working with the Psalms as a form of magic offers an interactive and transformative approach, unveiling the latent power within these ancient verses. This practice is rooted in the belief that the Psalms carry a profound, timeless energy capable of manifesting change and aligning us with our highest intentions.

In this context, the Psalms are viewed as spells, and "the Lord," as referenced in their text, is understood as the YHVH, or the Godhead—a universal power source. This energy can be likened to "the Force" from Star Wars mythology: a pre-gender, life-giving essence that permeates the entire universe. Unlike many conventional religious concepts, this force has no opposite. It is the singular source of all power, unbound by religion, dogma, creed, or ritual practice. More importantly, this force is not separate from the practitioner; we are seen as extensions of this universal power.

This magic tradition prioritizes the Psalms' effectiveness rather than their historical origins. Whether scholars confirm that these texts originated with the Hebrews or from an earlier source is irrelevant to this practice. What matters is that they work. The tradition provides a context for magic; the results are the ultimate proof. Practitioners can achieve magical effectiveness by following straightforward guidelines, as outlined in this tradition and detailed in my booklet.

No Tools Are Required

In Psalm magic, all you truly need is the Psalm itself. It doesn’t matter where you read it—whether from a Bible, a Book of Psalms, or even an app on your phone. While many rituals associated with Psalm magic incorporate candles, incense, talismans, herbs, or sacred names, these are optional. Some practitioners might insist that specific tools or hidden techniques are necessary to “unlock” the Psalms’ power, but from our perspective, this is misguided. The Psalms are fully effective on their own. Supplemental rituals can enhance your experience if they align with your aesthetic or preferences but are not required.

One of the remarkable aspects of Psalm magic is its flexibility. You can incorporate as many or as few ritual elements as you wish, tailoring the practice to fit your style. In my booklet on Psalm Magic, you’ll find a list of traditional uses for each Psalm. This list is just a starting point, not an exhaustive guide, as the possibilities are virtually limitless.

While there are uses traditionally ascribed to each Psalm, the truth is that any Psalm can be used magically for any purpose. This is a truth some may not know or choose not to share. The true power of Psalm magic lies in its simplicity and flexibility. Whether you incorporate additional rituals or strip the practice down to its essence, the Psalms remain a powerful tool for manifesting your intentions and connecting with the universal energy within us all.

Let me emphasize this: any Psalm can be used for any purpose. You don’t need to worry about choosing the "wrong" Psalm. Every Psalm will ultimately guide you to where you need to go. That said, some Psalms will lead you there more directly. For instance, a Psalm focused on abundance will provide a faster, more straightforward path if you seek prosperity. But if you open the book randomly and work with whichever Psalm you find—using the proper method I’ll teach you—you’ll still arrive at your destination. It may just take a scenic route. So, don’t stress about picking the perfect Psalm. What truly matters is how you work with it, not just the act of reading it.

The Psalm Magic Formula

Many believe the words of the Psalms hold their magical power and that simply reciting them—especially with dramatic vocal emphasis—will send vibrations out into the universe and make things happen. But that’s not how it works, at least not in our tradition. Psalm magic is far more refined and not superstitious. To unleash its full potential, you must engage in a two-step process known as the Psalm Magic Formula. This method is both simple and effective.

Step 1: Begin by reading your chosen Psalm aloud from start to finish, without pausing. This is called the "incantation." If you’re in a situation where reading aloud isn’t possible, you can read it silently, but imagine hearing the words spoken aloud in your mind.

Step 2: Next, go back through the Psalm and reread it, this time slowly and deliberately, verse by verse. As you do, search for hidden or “occult” meanings within each verse—meanings that resonate with the intention or goal of your spell. Reflect on how these insights apply to your purpose. The true magic resides in digging, contemplating, and connecting. It’s not just about reciting the words; it’s about working with them on a deeper, intentional level.

Planting Magic Seeds

Think of each Psalm as containing countless "magical seeds." When these seeds are planted in the fertile soil of your deep mind through this two-step process, they take root, grow, blossom, and eventually bear fruit. The essence of all practical magic is reconditioning your deep mind through focused repetition. Psalms can help you exquisitely accomplish this.

To fully utilize the transformative power of Psalm magic, it is essential to work consistently with your chosen Psalm—daily or even multiple times a day. This repetition helps embed its energy into your deep mind, fostering lasting change. Through this practice, the Psalms become a powerful tool for personal growth and manifestation, aligning your intentions with the greater forces of the universe. Continue this daily practice until you get a sense of peace and certainty about the issue at hand. Your spell is complete once you have this feeling, and you no longer need to work on it.

My free booklet, How to Work Psalm Magic, is a comprehensive guide to working with the Psalms. It includes suggested uses for each Psalm and insights into key terms you may encounter while digging for magic seeds. For example, “Babylon” symbolizes confusion or chaotic thought patterns, while “Egypt” often represents materialism or focusing solely on the physical world. Even recurring phrases like “feet” carry symbolic meaning, usually signifying understanding or foundations.

The guide offers interpretations of these and other terms to deepen your understanding of the Psalms’ messages. In addition, even more free resources are available on the Psalm Magic section of my website. These resources provide a helpful foundation for exploring the magical applications of Psalms.

Some Foundational Psalm Collections

Several key collections of Psalms are highly recommended for Psalm Magic. Three main categories stand out: the Contractual Psalms, the Purification Psalms, and the Psalms of Gratitude. Each serves a unique purpose and can be a powerful tool for transformation and growth.

The Contractual Psalms

This collection consists of five Psalms—23, 24, 27, 46, and 91. Often considered a “mini Psalm book,” these foundational Psalms can address almost any need. They are the core of Psalm magic, offering guidance, protection, and strength. Working with just these five Psalms can provide profound magical benefits.

The Purification Psalms

This group includes seven Psalms—6, 22, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143—that are especially valuable for clearing negativity and removing obstacles. With this collection, you can address many challenges and eliminate adverse conditions. Their power lies in their ability to purify and reset, making them essential for anyone seeking clarity and renewal.

The Psalms of Gratitude

Gratitude plays a vital role in Psalm magic, and the Gratitude Psalms are specifically designed to express thanks and celebrate success. Psalm 150, traditionally used to give thanks after achieving results through Psalm work, is particularly significant. Additionally, Psalm 66, a longer yet equally impactful text, is part of this collection and can deepen your expression of gratitude.

Working With Other Psalm Collections

For a deeper exploration into the power of Psalms, my website offers a wide range of Psalm collections tailored to specific needs, including Prosperity Psalms, Healing Psalms, Psalms of Protection, and Psalms for Employment. These collections are regularly updated, so check back often for fresh additions. Unique sets like the Golden Psalms, Ascension Psalms, and Psalms of Restitution address various life challenges, providing guidance and inspiration when needed.

To explore these in detail, visit and head to the “Psalm Magic” section. Click on the “Psalm Collections” tab; you’ll find an organized list of categories, each with links to videos offering in-depth discussions and practical advice on working with the Psalms. Let these sacred texts become a source of wisdom and support in your journey.

Each Psalm collection can be used to address a specific issue or goal. For example, if you’re tackling a healing challenge, you might work through the six healing Psalms—one Psalm per day—for six days. At the end of this cycle, reflect on how you feel. If you experience a sense of peace and certainty about your healing, it’s a sign that your desired manifestation is on its way, and you can discontinue working on that matter. If not, repeat the cycle until you feel that inner peace and certainty.

The same method applies to other collections. For instance:

Protection Psalms: With 11 Psalms in this collection, you could work one Psalm daily for 11 days to create a powerful protective shield.

Prosperity Psalms: This seven-day process is perfect for attracting abundance and financial growth.

Restitution Psalms: This shorter collection consists of three Psalms—32, 51, and 85—that can be worked over three days to restore balance and harmony.

You can adapt these collections to your needs. The Contractual Psalms, for instance, can be used for any intention, regardless of the category. They are versatile and practical for almost any goal. The Purification Psalms, on the other hand, are excellent for significant life changes or when you feel the need for a fresh start.

Working with Psalm collections offers a structured yet flexible approach to your magical practice. Whether you’re seeking healing, protection, prosperity, or gratitude, these texts provide a pathway for transformation. You can bring about meaningful changes in your life through consistent practice and reflection.

The Psalms Are For All

Open book on table with sparkling brown background. Text reads: "How to Work Psalm Magic, Ariel Gatoga", creating a mystical mood.

Remember, the Psalms aren’t tied to any particular group or religion. They are universal and open to everyone, regardless of faith or belief. Whether you’re religious, atheist, or even a Satanist, the Psalms can work for you. Their sole purpose is to help; they don’t ask for anything in return.

People often say, "I’d love to try this, but the Psalms feel too Christian for me." Let me clear up that misconception: the Psalms predate Christianity by centuries—likely older than the Bible itself. The Psalms transcend tradition. They are ancient, timeless, and accessible to all.

If you’re intrigued by Psalm Magic but hesitant because it feels "too Christian," rest assured—it’s not. While Christians have embraced and used the Psalms, they didn’t create them. The Psalms are not inherently Christian and probably even predate Judaism. They represent a universal system of spiritual magic, open to anyone, regardless of belief or background, who wishes to explore their profound power.

The Most Ancient Magical Text In Print

The Psalms are, arguably, the most ancient magical text accessible to us today—far older than the Key of Solomon or any other grimoires or magical writings. If you search for ancient magic, you won’t find anything more ancient in print than the Book of Psalms. What makes them unique is their subtlety. The Psalms don’t announce themselves as a “magic book.” Instead, their power was hidden within a religious context—concealed in plain sight, where most wouldn’t think to look. Few people would consider opening a Bible to find a spell book, but there it is.

This doesn’t mean that using the Psalms is the only way to practice magic or that other systems are less effective. You don’t need the Psalms to succeed in your magical practice. But if you feel called to work with them, know they are here for you, ready to offer their profound and timeless wisdom.

If you’re interested in getting started, I invite you to download my free guide, How to Work Psalm Magic, available at It’s my gift to you, and I hope it helps you on your journey. Also, please take a look at all the various Psalm Magic resources on my Website, along with thorough breakdowns of each Psalm in my Psalm Magic Videos.

Thank you for spending this time with me—may your path be full of insight and inspiration.

1 comentário

a day ago

I love how you broke all the Psalms down and gave amazing directions what a great tool to use while studying the Psalms. I would love to print this out. I have notes all in my Psalms book but nothing like this!!! Thank you and Bb

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