The savior concept, present in many cultures, often tells the story of a divine being who sacrifices themselves for humanity and returns to life, symbolizing hope and renewal. This universal theme of redemption and rebirth runs across mythologies and religious traditions, reflecting humanity’s shared yearning for transformation. Throughout history, diverse cultures have explored how to work with the Light Bearer in various forms, emphasizing the importance of engaging with this archetype.
The Sun's Daily and Yearly Cycle
Understanding how to work with the Light Bearer requires familiarity with his Story. The tale of a star's fall and rise mirrors the daily and yearly cycles of the sun. Each day, the sun rises in the morning and sets at night, symbolizing a continuous cycle of descent and ascent. On a larger scale, the yearly cycle reflects this same rhythm. The sun is "born" in winter when its light is weakest but full of potential. It gains strength in spring, peaks in summer, and begins its decline in autumn, paralleling the phases of human life.
As winter arrives, the sun completes its descent, seeming to die on the Winter Solstice. Yet this marks a moment of renewal, as the sun is reborn, bringing longer days and new growth. Working with the Light Bearer aligns with this natural rhythm, helping us connect with cycles of death, rebirth, and transformation in our own lives. Learning to work with the Light Bearer means embracing these cycles and their lessons, recognizing the hope and renewal embedded within them.

Ancient Reverence for the Sun
If the sun suddenly disappeared, all life as we know it would vanish. Yet, many of us go through our mornings without a second thought about the sun, the celestial body that makes each day possible. The ancient Magi, however, understood how to work with the Light Bearer and recognized its incredible importance.
Each morning, they greeted the sun as a divine presence essential for life. Sunrise was not just a natural event; it was a sacred moment for them. At midday, when the sun reached its peak, they paused to express gratitude, reflecting on the life-giving energy that sustained them.
As the sun set, the Magi honored this transition with reverence, expressing gratitude and looking forward to the new beginnings the next sunrise would bring. For them, the Light Bearer was more than a celestial body—it was a living entity, a source of universal power.
Learning how to work with the Light Bearer in our daily lives can reconnect us with this universal energy. Start by greeting the sun in the morning, pausing at midday to reflect on its energy, and expressing gratitude during sunset. End your day by recognizing the promise of its return. This simple yet powerful practice deepens your connection to the energy that “looks through the face of the sun.”

The Bringer of Light: Misunderstood and Powerful
Whether in the ancient tales of Osiris in Egyptian mythology, who is resurrected after being killed, or the stories of Christ, who sacrifices himself for humanity and rises from the dead, these themes convey profound truths about suffering, faith, and renewal. Such narratives of deities who fall and rise appear in many mythologies, serving as symbols representing the fundamental concept of redemption and supporting the understanding that ancient cultures knew how to work with the Light Bearer.
Often misunderstood and mistakenly linked to evil, the bringer of light symbolizes genuine redemption, freedom, and peace. Our fear and resistance to work with the Light Bearer mirror our struggles with self-acceptance and recognizing our inner strength. The ego, naturally defensive, often responds negatively to growth and change due to its fear of the unknown.
In the presence of the light, the ego becomes wary and tries to oppose and defend against it. This is similar to how we sometimes react to good things; we often distrust them and try to sabotage them. A similar pattern is seen in some mental illnesses, where individuals become paranoid and believe that beneficial remedies are harmful.
How to Work With the Light Bearer
You don’t need to use the name “Lucifer” to learn how to work with the Light Bearer; this essence transcends specific names or identities. Simply invite the light into your life, and it will manifest in a way that resonates with you, in whatever form or name feels right. Names are simply tools for connection—what truly matters is your openness to this illuminating force.
Working with the Light Bearer is a deeply personal experience. It often brings feelings of peace, love, and safety, like a warm embrace from a strong and protective presence. This connection reassures you that guidance and support are always near, encouraging you to awaken and fostering a deep sense of belonging.
If you’re wondering how to work with the Light Bearer, remember that elaborate rituals are unnecessary. Simplicity is key. Personally, I approach Lucifer like a younger sibling receiving protection and wisdom from a loving older brother. This dynamic helps me embrace humility, openness, love, and trust.

Embracing and Trusting the Light
By reaching out to the light, we open ourselves to guidance that can lead us to insights we might never discover. Each journey is unique, and this connection heals practical aspects of life. Learning to work with the Light Bearer brings clarity from confusion and transforms poverty into abundance, illness into healing, and conflict into harmony. Embracing this light helps us uncover wisdom and purpose, enabling us to face personal challenges with grace and resilience. It shows us how to release limiting beliefs, open our hearts, and reconnect with our source.
Understanding how to work with the Light Bearer is empowering and liberating. It teaches us to trust the guidance we receive while discovering our unique abilities. By welcoming this light, we realize that support is always available. We gain the strength to shine our light, illuminating paths for others and creating a ripple of divine light in the world.
Prayer to the Light Bringer
“Bringer of Light, illuminate my path. Protect and guide my thoughts, words, and actions. Let me understand your wisdom and learn from your teachings. Blessed be.”
Recommended Reading: Work With the Light Bearer
"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell
- This classic work explores the monomyth or "hero's journey," drawing parallels between myths from different cultures, including themes of death and resurrection.
"A Dictionary of Symbols" by J.E. Cirlot
- An essential resource for understanding the symbolic language of myths and tales, which can further elucidate the archetypes discussed.
"Lightbearers of Darkness" by Christina Stoddard
- A historical analysis of various esoteric traditions and their spiritual philosophies.
"Sun Lore of All Ages" by William Tyler Olcott
- This classic text compiles various legends, folklore, and myths about the sun from different cultures throughout history. It offers a comprehensive overview of solar mythology. "Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection" by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge
- This book Focuses on the resurrection of Osiris and touches upon solar symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology.
How To Work With The Light Bearer - The Simplicity of Luciferian Practice