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Let Magic Solve Problems

Writer's picture: Ariel GatogaAriel Gatoga

A vibrant path winds through a mystical forest with colorful foliage in shades of pink, purple, and orange, creating a serene, enchanted mood.

In the New Testament, a line says, "Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and all else will be added unto you." I’m paraphrasing, of course, but in context, Jesus addressed people anxious about what they would eat or wear. The advice was simple: don’t worry about it. If you focus on seeking the kingdom of heaven, everything else will fall into place.

This idea isn’t bound to religion or Christianity—it’s profoundly practical and, ultimately, magical. It suggests a place of peace within each of us, where everything we genuinely need already resides.

Think of it this way: imagine you’re on an all-inclusive cruise. Once you’ve paid, everything you could need—food, entertainment, amenities—is already provided. There’s no need to stress or scramble for extras. The same principle can apply to life.

Your drinks, excursions, meals, and entertainment are included in your cruise experience. On the surface, this may seem like a luxury of the physical world, but it is a profound metaphor for the inner peace available within us.

When we tap into that inner peace, we realize our problems already have solutions, and our needs are already met. What are your needs? More money? Healing in a relationship? Relief from a physical issue? Everything you seek is already included within the peaceful space within you.

A teacher once shared a fascinating idea with me: the "kingdom of heaven," referenced in the Bible, is an energy center just behind your heart. They taught me that you can activate this inner kingdom by tuning into the subtle lift of energy behind the heart. It's not a physical sensation but an energetic lift—something you can explore during meditation or everyday moments when you encounter uncertainty or challenges.

Letting Go To Solve Problems

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, take a moment to connect with the space behind your heart. Allow yourself to feel that gentle, uplifting energy. It doesn’t take effort—just a quiet awareness. As you tune in, the tension begins to melt away, and you tap into a profound sense of peace.

This peace is expansive and all-encompassing. It gently reminds you that your challenges are already resolved, your needs already met. There’s no need to force solutions or fix anything in this space. All you have to do is relax, let go, and trust that everything you seek is already within you.

The key is acceptance. However, in today’s world, this mindset can feel unnatural. We’ve been conditioned to think that everything depends on us—that we must work hard, struggle, and take pride in that struggle. While effort and determination have their place, they’re not always the answer, especially regarding more profound healing or addressing life’s complexities.

Actual resolution often arises when we release our resistance and open ourselves to the already available healing. Allowing solutions to unfold in ways beyond our comprehension can feel almost unfair—like cheating. The ego interjects with doubt, asking: “Who are you to let things come so easily? Who are you to receive healing when so many others are struggling? Who are you to have your problems resolved while others remain burdened?”

This inner dialogue stems from a deep-seated belief that we’re unworthy of ease and resolution. But the truth is, we are deserving. When we let go of this limiting mindset and embrace the peace within, we create the space for answers and healing to reveal themselves naturally.

The reality is that our problems already have solutions. Imagine a teacher writing a math problem on the board, then asking a student to solve it. The student isn’t inventing the solution—they’re uncovering a truth that already exists. One plus one already equals two. There’s no need to make it so; we need to see it.

Discovering Solutions Beyond the Mind

Inner peace lies in stepping aside and allowing solutions to reveal themselves. The answers we seek are often already within reach; the real challenge is recognizing them. We believe we must create solutions, a mindset that keeps us stuck. True clarity arises when we release this burden, trust the process, and let the path forward unfold naturally.

While we may occasionally develop solutions independently, our success rate is limited. Our minds often fail to grasp the full scope of the answers because the solutions to many of our problems exist beyond what the mind can comprehend.

When we connect with that still, peaceful place within us—the space where solutions already exist—we step out of the way. And when we do, the situation often resolves itself. In those moments, we might feel inspired to take action, choose, or do something. As the solution unfolds, the ego quickly claims credit: “See? You figured it out.” But the truth is, we didn’t solve it. Letting go and stepping aside allowed the solution to surface on its own.

You followed a direction, played your part as guided—but you didn’t create the solution. You uncovered what was already there. This truth can be deeply unsettling to the ego. The ego insists it isn't valid if it doesn’t generate the solution. It clings to the belief that solutions only have value if they originate from itself.

The ego’s arrogance lies in its unwillingness to accept that solutions can exist without involvement. When faced with any challenge or problem, ask yourself, “What do I truly want?” The initial answer is often superficial—“I want money” or “I want healing.” But these desires are merely symptoms of something more profound.

Prioritizing Peace

At the core, what we truly seek is peace. Inner peace is the ultimate goal—the “kingdom of heaven” within us. Although it may seem underwhelming initially, peace of mind is far more profound and transformative than we realize. We often expect the idea of “heaven” to be extravagant or mystical, but true peace is all-encompassing. It contains everything we need. Instead of chasing the byproducts of peace, we must train ourselves to desire the source—the realm of cause where solutions already exist.

When faced with a problem, we must pause and ask ourselves, “What do I truly want?” We've lost sight of what matters if the answer is anything other than peace. By prioritizing peace above all else, everything else naturally aligns. From that inner calm, the solutions we need emerge effortlessly.

On the other hand, when peace isn’t our focus, we find ourselves chasing illusions—ego-driven desires that only lead us astray. These fleeting fixes may provide temporary relief, but they rarely address the root of the problem. Instead, we end up in a relentless cycle, tackling one issue after another, like an endless game of whack-a-mole. Solving life’s challenges from a surface level keeps us spinning our wheels, exhausted and unfulfilled.

Resolution comes when we anchor ourselves in peace. From that foundation, clarity unfolds, and the right path naturally reveals itself. This doesn’t mean we stop taking action, but rather that our actions become guided by a sense of inner stillness. Acting from peace is vastly different from acting out of stress or desperation. When anxiety takes the lead, we exhaust ourselves with countless ideas, frantic problem-solving, and endless detours that often lead nowhere. Peace, on the other hand, provides a more efficient and effective way forward.

So often, the answers we seek emerge only when we surrender. After pushing ourselves to the brink with overthinking and effort, we eventually give up, let go, and take a moment to rest. It’s in these unguarded moments—when resistance fades—that solutions quietly appear. But why wait until exhaustion forces us to find peace? By making peace our priority, we can bypass the struggle entirely.

A Path to Healing and Clarity

Choosing peace doesn’t mean avoiding challenges but meeting them with a calm, centered mind. When peace becomes your foundation, the answers are already embedded in your decisions. No matter the circumstances, prioritizing peace of mind ensures everything else falls into place.

The solution is always present, all-encompassing, like an all-inclusive journey. Your ego may resist, urging you to work harder, fix things, or push through chaos. It might whisper, “You’re being irresponsible,” or shout, “You can’t just choose peace!” Yet if you quiet that inner noise and listen to the still, steady voice within, you’ll recognize you’re on the right path.

When peace becomes a habit, problems often resolve themselves without force or struggle. Take, for instance, a health issue. A diagnosis doesn’t mean denying its reality or pretending it isn’t happening. Instead, acknowledge the problem clearly, but bring it into peace. Relax your body, quiet your mind, and allow the energy of peace to take over. From this space, solutions emerge naturally, and the path forward becomes more apparent.

As you let go of resistance to the problem, you also let go of resistance to the solution—because, in truth, the problem and the solution are inherently connected. From a place of peace, the solution begins to unfold. If action is required on your part, you’ll be guided to it effortlessly. This doesn’t mean skipping your medication or ignoring doctor’s appointments but approaching these steps with a calm, centered mind. You may even find yourself intuitively drawn to a new doctor, a better treatment plan, or unexpected insights, all because you’ve surrendered the struggle and embraced peace.

You unveil potent forces of healing and resolution by bringing your problem to a state of inner calm. Letting go of resistance does much more to solve the issue than endlessly overthinking or trying to control the outcome. These forces of peace and healing operate beyond the understanding of the ego mind, which struggles to comprehend their power.

Unveiling the Solution to Any Problem

Let your ego resist if it must—let it rage, doubt, or accuse you of irresponsibility. Then ask yourself: what has that critical inner voice ever done for you? Has it brought clarity or relief, or has it only fueled your stress? While it's noise might feel familiar, it serves no real purpose. Acknowledge its presence without judgment, and remember that you can tune it out. Instead, turn your attention to the quiet, steady voice within—the one rooted in peace. It will guide you calmly and surely toward the solution that already exists.

By prioritizing peace, you unlock transformative energies the ego cannot understand. Trust the process. Release resistance, quiet the mental chatter, and allow yourself to be guided toward healing and resolution with grace and ease.

For most of us, something profound happens when we take a problem into that place of inner peace and let go of it. When we return to our daily consciousness, our role is to keep our minds off the problem. Constantly thinking about an issue doesn’t solve it—if it did, wouldn't all your problems already be resolved? Has stressing or obsessing over a problem ever indeed worked for you? Likely not. Instead, when you surrender your problem into that all-encompassing peace, the solution takes shape naturally. Let the solution resolve while you remain in peace, even as you go about your day.

If you find yourself spiraling back into worry, pause for a moment. Close your eyes, reconnect with that place of peace, and remind yourself: My solution lies in peace. Make peace your priority. If you’re not peaceful, you’re contributing to the problem. But if you stay calm, the solution is already unfolding, and you don’t need to worry.

You can solve any problem. However, the ego is quick to undermine your success by dismissing it as a fluke or trying to take credit for it. "Look at what we did," it says, rewriting the narrative to suit itself. Don’t fall for it. The ego lies. The truth is this: the solution already existed when you prioritized peace. Finding that inner peace and letting go of resistance allowed the solution to emerge naturally.

Surrendering to Peace: The Key to Resolution

When you surrender your problem to peace, it dissolves within that space. The solution already exists in the unseen, invisible realm. You no longer need to dwell on the issue when you release your resistance to it. It's taken care of. Your sole task is to find peace. When you achieve a state of peace, the solution becomes inevitable.

The ego may accuse you of denial or avoidance. But true peace is not denial—it’s freedom. If you were in denial, you’d feel tense, suppressing or pretending the problem doesn’t exist. Instead, you bring the issue into the peaceful core of your being, where it dissolves. This process goes beyond the grasp of your conscious mind, beyond the ego’s arrogance or endless mental gymnastics. When the solution arises from this state of peace, it’s unmistakable. You can’t deny its power because the problem is resolved.

There is often a lag between this act of surrender and the manifestation of the solution. During that time, it’s your job to release the problem entirely and refrain from obsessing over it—unless you're guided to take action. It requires faith, especially the first time you try this approach, when your faith might feel blind. But even amid uncertainty, you’ll notice one undeniable result: feeling better. And feeling better is not insignificant—it’s a sign that something is shifting on the invisible plane.

This shift in feelings is a powerful indicator that the solution works in your life. From the invisible realm, it will eventually manifest in the physical world. Your job during this time is to stay at peace. Avoid looking back, second-guessing, or nagging yourself about the problem. Keep your mind clear and anchored in peace.

If the problem resurfaces and you find it difficult to let go, return to that peaceful chamber within you—the quiet, gentle lift behind your heart. Close your eyes, bring the problem into this calm space, and allow it to dissolve again. Trust the process. In time, the solution will naturally and effortlessly reveal itself, reflecting the peace you’ve nurtured within.

Finding the Key Within You

It’s not about performing a spell and then slipping back into worry—that won’t help. The key lies in doing the work, finding that peace, and staying there even after the trance ends. You must remain tranquil because returning to the same anxious mindset that created the problem will only keep it alive.

When the biblical figure Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of heaven," he shared another invaluable tool: "Resist not evil." This wisdom reminds us not to fight against the problem but to relax into it. By relaxing into the situation and embracing peace, you acknowledge that peace is far greater than the problem itself. Resistance only adds tension and blocks the flow of resolution.

Letting go of resistance to a problem also releases resistance to its solution—because the solution already exists. By discovering that inner place of peace—that subtle lift behind your heart—you create space to sit with the problem calmly. Close your eyes, bring the issue into this sanctuary of stillness, and let go. Stop resisting. Acknowledge the existence of the problem, but relax into it. This act of surrender aligns you with the solution, allowing it to emerge naturally and effortlessly. At this point, your role is complete. You’ve planted the seed. Now trust the process and let the solution unfold in its own time.

Like a seed in nature, the solution germinates when the conditions are right. If action is required on your part, that guidance will come to you. If no action is needed, step back and let it be. Let nature take its course. Resistance and meddling only disrupt the process. Resolving problems is a peaceful, gentle, and effective process. If it feels forced or stressful, you’re no longer in alignment—you’re interfering. Let go. You’ve done your job. Step away and allow the problem to resolve itself.

And it will. You’ll see. Before you know it, the problem will be solved. When that happens, remind yourself of how it unfolded. The ego will want to claim credit, saying, “Look how we fixed that—it was all us!” But resist the urge to let your ego take control. Instead, recognize the power of what you did: you found peace, let go, and allowed the solution to reveal itself. Each time you practice this, your ability to solve problems will sharpen.

Letting the Solutions Emerge

The key to navigating challenges lies in prioritizing peace. Your part is done when you soften your focus and release resistance to the problem. Trust that the solution will naturally emerge without your interference. Stay attuned to moments of genuine inspiration—those precise, uplifting nudges from your inner guide, not the tense, fearful demands of the ego. True inspiration feels light, effortless, and exciting, like a whisper saying, “What if you tried this?” In contrast, the ego’s voice is heavy with anxiety, urging, “You must do this, or everything will fall apart.”

Your inner guide always speaks with ease and reassurance, never fear. Follow that voice and trust the process—a path paved with peace. Acting from this state feels calm, refreshing, and empowering. You might think, “Why didn’t I see this before? This feels right.” It’s a stark difference from the frantic energy of the ego, which often leads to overthinking, chasing dead ends, or exhausting yourself with unnecessary effort.

When you make peace your foundation, problem-solving becomes a transformative process. Envision bringing your challenge into a calm space—imagine it settling into the peaceful chamber behind your heart. Let your body and mind relax into that stillness. Stop resisting the problem and, equally, stop resisting the solution. Instead, allow peace to flow through you like a serene river, effortlessly carrying the problem and its resolution.

Remember, peace is all-encompassing. It holds not just the problem, but the solution as well. The solution to any problem exists the moment the situation arises. Your task is to stop resisting—resisting the problem, resisting the solution—and instead allow the resolution to unfold naturally, without interference.

Your problem is already solved. Now, it’s up to you to step aside and trust in the process. Let peace guide you, as it always does.

Thank you for reading! Blessed be.

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